
Enable your next steps in diversity



Diversity data for small businesses

powered by


Image of the Kaleidoflow application welcome dashboard with menus and selection buttons

An easy diversity data collection, analytics, and reporting platform

Black and white icon of a clipboard

Design your own secure surveys

Customise and deliver high-quality surveys that meet your specific needs

Black and white icon of like and dislike and comment bubbles

Instantly analyse and visualise

Get comprehensive, meaningful results without the hassle

Black and white icon of documents being exchanged

Multiple projects, multiple clients?

Manage your surveys and data in one user-friendly place and quickly generate results

That makes an impact

innovate uk square logo

Supported by Innovate UK

dataguard logo

Data Privacy by Dataguard

Sustainable development goal 8 logo white on red background

SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Sustainable development goal 10 logo white on pink background

SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities

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