
ESG and social impact analytics for innovative programmes, projects and pilots

Get the evidence you need to make change

Our services

We develop ESG and social impact analytics for innovative programmes, projects, and pilots so you can measure your impact and ROI

When you are building new programmes in complex environments where impact and accountability matter, our systems help you communicate with stakeholders, attract resources, and establish a renewable cycle of results

Our projects include:

Sustainable Finance and Development Impact

Diversity and the Creative Industries

Impact of Research on International Public Policy

Our products

Kaleidoflow is our new diversity data platform for small businesses and diversity consultants

Learn more about Kaleidoflow and sign up for early access

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Supported by

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Interwoven helps our clients

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Measure the unmeasurable

With custom frameworks and systems built for your goals

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Cut through the noise with evidence

Through seamless data collection, analysis and reporting

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Generate ROI on the right dimensions

So you can change hearts and minds at scale

What our clients ask

How do we know that our programme achieves a meaningful impact?

Does our programme meet our impact standards?

Are our members aligned with our values?

What is the ROI of our activities?

Does our research change public policy?

Does our work lead to actionable change?

Our experience

15+ Years of Measuring Impact

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Our team has a proven track record of designing social impact monitoring and evaluation tools for clients like the Inter-American Development Bank, Unilever, PwC and the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office.

After starting a popular sustainable fashion event series and partnering with United Nations-led industry collaborations, we wanted to measure whether what we were doing was making a difference.

To do this, we’ve leveraged our experience across sustainability, creative content and technology to define metrics and build digital tools to measure our social impact. Now we’re making our tools available to you so you can demonstrate how what you do matters and continue to move the needle.

Learn more about our team

Work with Interwoven

We want industry ecosystem and international development innovators to have the tools they need to tell evidence-based stories for change. The Interwoven team takes steps to:

Understand your context

Design frameworks that address your programme goals

Build seamless systems for data collection, analysis and reporting that scale with your programmes

Contact us

We'll discuss your context, the impact you want to achieve and how you can measure your intangible results

Get in touch